P R E S S  R E L E A S E

Sales_Immersion_VideoHOUSTON, TX —

Richard Tyler International, Inc. just completed the “Commitment to Excellence”® Sales Immersion™ Program. This course is an intense, six-day sales training seminar for the professionals who expect immediate results. The program was conducted from June 11-16, 2012 and was held at the Hilton University of Houston Hotel & Conference Center located on the campus of the University of Houston. Individuals from across the United Sates, Canada and Brazil were in attendance.

Jack Barry served as a Guest Executive Instructor and gave insights into how Executives make decisions. Pulling from his experience holding a number of key positions in both public and private companies including 15 years as a CEO. He was CEO of a software company and CEO of an information services company. Both companies, The Systems Center Inc. and Petroleum Information Corporation, marketed worldwide and were recognized leaders in their respective markets. His experience also includes 38 years of firsthand experience and success plus 12 years of consulting and training experience. His firsthand experience includes the United States Navy, Fortune 500 Companies such as IBM, Xerox and Harris through mid-size companies and entrepreneurial companies. Mr. Barry stated, “I throughly enjoy participating in the Sales Immersion™ Program. It was a great experience for all involved.”

Richard Tyler, President and CEO of Richard Tyler International, Inc.was the lead instructor. Mr. Tyler commented, “It was a great privilege to work with so many talented professionals. Each and every one came with a positive attitude towards learning additional sales and master communication skills so that they could better assist their clients in making important decisions that effect the key problems they face in growing their respective businesses profitably.” Tyler continued, “We had individuals ranging from a few months to over 25 years of sales experience in attendance. They were a remarkable group of professionals with very diverse backgrounds. One common thread running through the group was a commitment to be the best for themselves, their companies and their customers. It is a rigorous six days were a ninety percent GPA is required to pass. I am pleased to say that everyone worked hard and everyone surpassed that standard. I look forward to hearing of many excellent succeses from each of these participants over the months and years to come.” Mr. Tyler added, “As a matter of fact the program has been over for just a few days and already I have received several emails sharing some significant sales success as a result of putting into practice the knowledge that was garnered during the Sales Immersion™ Program.” Mr. Tyler concluded, “Those individuals results stand as a testament to the belief that when we step out of our comfort zone to learn and then put that knowledge to use we unleash the power of our human potential.”

For those companies and individuals that would like to learn more visit: Commitment to Excellence® Sales Immersion™ Program or the Richard Tyler International website at www.RichardTylerInternational.com. Request information by visiting the Seminar Request page on our website.

Remember, “Your success tomorrow is in direct proportion to your ‘Commitment to Excellence®’ today.”™

– Richard Tyler

About Richard Tyler International, Inc.™

Richard Tyler International, Inc™ a Training and Consulting firm, educating clients of all industries and sizes on the five Fundamentals of Business:Sales, Management, Customer Service, Leadership, and Quality Improvement. With its vast resources of consultants, Richard Tyler International, Inc™ provides companies the necessary expertise to grow their businesses profitably. Richard Tyler International, Inc™ conducts Seminars and Keynotes throughout the world to allow all types of organizations to experience Richard Tyler’s philosophies on business and success. For more information about Richard Tyler International, Inc. or Richard Tyler please contact us at www.RichardTylerInternational.com

About Richard Tyler

Richard Tyler is President and CEO of Richard Tyler International, Inc.™ as well as a diversified family of successful companies and services. Mr. Tyler is an acclaimed Speaker, Trainer, Consultant and Author. He has earned a worldwide reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training. For more information about Richard Tyler please visit https://richard-tyler.com/our-senior-consultants

Richard Tyler International, Inc™ is a trademark of Richard Tyler. ‘Commitment to Excellence®’ is a registered trademark of Richard Tyler. Sales Immersionis a trademark of Richard Tyler. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2012 Richard Tyler. All rights reserved.

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